Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hill 88 Hike: Details

Yesterday I posted some photos from our recent Marin Headlands hike around Hill 88 (an understatement of a name if I've ever heard one).  Today I am sharing some of the photographic details.

This photo was taken part way up the mountain.  We are pretty high already!  That big peak in the distance is Mt. Tam, which we hiked right after we moved here.

My parents set a mean pace right out of the gate--we got quite a challenging workout.  

And then we saw these people running the steep trails:

This is Sticky Monkey Flower.  I had assumed that was just the childish nickname we called it growing up, but I noticed the Visitor Center had that exact label next to this plant.  Did you know you can pull the yellow flowers out of their stems and suck out the sweet nectar? 

The next time you forget your trail mix but find your blood sugars crashing...
After a steady climb in the first half of the hike, the trail curves around the mountain and suddenly you can see views of the Pacific Ocean and snippets of the city.

It appeared the trails had experienced some rough weather lately:

The steep descent:

With views of Rodeo Beach below:

We passed an old war battery and explored a bit:

Read more about Battery Townsley here.

But by far the most interesting site we saw along the hike was the river otters!
These guys were swimming in the Lagoon next to this Heron.  We were so surprised to see them here.

The Headlands succeeded again with the wildlife and nature show.  I am half-expecting a mountain lion sighting on my next hike based on our string of luck!  I'm looking forward to Indian Summer with more clear weather so we can spend a bit more time in this area.  Off in search of the next trail...

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